Become an Amazon seller

More than half of the products available on Amazon are listed by sellers.
¥4,900 a month (excluding tax) + selling fees
computer icon with Amazon Smile logo

Broaden your reach

Fresh new startups and Fortune 500s. B2B and B2C. Brand owners and resellers. They all sell on Amazon for a reason: 300 million customers shop our stores worldwide.
shipping icon, airplane on top and truck on bottom

Deliver smiles

Leave the shipping, returns, and customer service to us with Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). Want to take care of shipping yourself? You can do that too.
icon of hand holding a coin

Make money

Choose from flexible selling plans, product categories, and fulfillment options that fit your business needs.

3 easy steps to sell

Step 1
Register your account
To register an account as a seller, you must provide your business information, photo ID, and a valid credit card.
Step 2
Add products
To list a product for sale, simply search by product code or product name on Seller Central—your one-stop control center as a seller—and enter your price and available quantity. If there is no listing for the product you want to sell, you can create your own by entering a JAN code, product image, product name, and description on the registration screen.
Step 3
Process and ship orders
When one of your products is sold, Amazon will collect the payment and send you a shipment notification. You can either ship the item yourself or use FBA. Payments for sales, minus fees, will be
automatically credited to your bank account every 14 days.

Success stories

“I think of it as a space for connecting with people we haven’t met before.”
Momoko Nishiyama
Nishiyama Brewery (Tamba City, Hyogo)
“Shipments to overseas destinations have dramatically increased since we started selling on Amazon.”
Ichiro Maruyama
Hakone Maruyama, yosegi-zaiku woodcraft specialty store (Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa)
“A totally different vision comes into view, showing you what it would be like to take the next step.”
Hiroshi Yamatani
Village Blacksmith (Sanjo City, Niigata)

Other resources

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A list of frequently asked questions about sellable products, adding products, managing orders, FBA, and other issues.
Check FAQ ›

Seller University

To help sellers start selling smoothly, we offer online courses at Seller University. (Seller account registration is required.)
View Seller University ›


We offer a range of services and fulfillment support systems to help you accelerate your business.
About apps and services ›

Start selling today

Put your products in front of the millions of customers that search Amazon every day.
¥4,900 a month (excluding tax) + selling fees
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